Productsµsurf custom
The 3D measurement system customized exactly to your requirements
The µsurf custom product line meets challenging demands for measurement quality, convenience and flexibility. Nanometer resolution guarantees meaningful measurement results, even for smallest height structures – all in a matter of seconds. With robust confocal multi-pinhole technology you can rely on highest accuracy in all deployment settings, from clean rooms to production environment.
µsurf custom is the ideal surface metrology solution for topography and roughness measurements according to ISO standards, the measurement of micro-geometries and layer-thickness. The system captures exact threedimensional structures and complex geometries in the micrometer and nanometer range. Even on surfaces with steep edges and areas of discontinuity, highly reproducible measurements are possible. The high dynamic range allows surface measurements on a broad material spectrum – from highly reflective to rough.
NanoFocus will design your μsurf custom exactly according to your requirements. Every measurement system is tailored to the needs of the customer so that your measurement task is performed efficiently and economically. The hardware and software can be upgraded and retrofitted. μsurf custom grows with your demands on automation, measurement convenience and precision. Our experts are pleased to find the best solution for you.
Multisensor setup

The µsurf custom allows a process-oriented multisensor setup on a technologically advanced level. It combines the areal measuring technology of the μsurf technology and line-scanning surface analysis with the μscan point sensors. The integration of the two approved NanoFocus technologies in one system enables the user to choose the optimal sensor for each individual measurement task. For the analysis of larger measurement areas the μscan technology is well suited. Selected areas or precisely defined measurement positions can then be inspected more closely by switching to the μsurf technology. Both sensors are controlled by one software ensuring highest user friendliness.
Examples of application
µsurf custom can be flexibly applied in many industries and areas of research. Among the possible applications are topography and roughness measurement of sheet metal surfaces or wafers, wear and material properties of engine components and medical implants. Measurement of form and roughness are compliant with DIN EN ISO standards. NanoFocus μsurf custom results are fully comparable with tactile systems. Form and roughness of micro-injection cast components, micro optics made of silicon glass or polymers, micro geometry of
actuators can be determined and evaluated without problems. Additionally, µsurf custom is used in the semi-conductor and electronics industry for measurements of roughness of contacts, geometry in electronic packages, layer thickness or wafer angle geometry.

The µsurf-technology captures the geometry of small and deep microvias precisely. Read more about the application

Indexable inserts
Steep edges and rough surfaces can be measured quickly and precisely. The crater volume and the absolute depth of cratering can be determined from the measurement data. Read more about the application

Microlenses can be measured three-dimensionally and non-destructively at various stages of the production process using µsurf technology. Read more about the application