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Non-contact measurements of historic and valuable artwork

Valuable objects, sculptures and artwork are prone to decay or theft. The NanoFocus-systems detect roughness, spectral color information and other relevant features down to the submicrometer range. This data is like a fingerprint of the artist allowing every piece of art to be identified unambigously. Objects of art that were considered lost can be recognized, artwork can be traced during transport and owners can be safeguarded from plagiarism. Additionally, 3D surface measurement technology delivers important data for developing conservation techniques, restoration and research about art. The non-destructive and  non-contact measurement method is of particular importance in this field of application.

Examples of application

Surface measurements deliver important findings about optimal methods for cleaning and restoring the sensitive surfaces of artwork. Highly precise surface characteristics also serve to identify the authenticity of a piece of art with absolute certainty.

Authentication of objects of art

The microstructure of a brushstroke on a painting is as unique as a fingerprint. In contrast to the time consuming lab techniques using samples which damage the painting, µsurf optical measurement allows for a quick and precise authenticity test. It is almost like recording and saving a fingerprint.

Products: µsurf mobile, µsurf sensor

Restoration and conservation

When it comes to cleaning and restoring valuable collectibles and pieces of art every detail of a surface is important. The objects of art consist of a number of different materials such as canvas, stone or precious metals, colors or plastics. Precise measurement results support finding ideal cleaning methods for the sensitive objects so that damages on the original pieces of art can be avoided.

Products: µsurf mobile, µsurf custom, µsurf explorer, µsoft analysis

Benefits at a glance

  • Non-destructive measurements
  • No sample preparation
  • Traceable and qualifiable results
  • Measurements on nearly all materials
  • Mobile and stationary measurement solutions

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